
MiKS offers experience and know-how in research and development

Do you need scientific advice regarding a query or an idea for a study? At MiKS, we can help.

Take advantage of our R&D team’s vast knowledge and experience in the development of research projects, data analysis and how to present results, as well as conference presentations and journals.

Discover the various consulting services we have at your disposal.


Clinical trials

Do you need to conduct a clinical study in order to submit an authorization request / evaluate the clinical results of a new product / study a new therapy?

We will guide and accompany you in conducting clinical trials and observational studies, providing support in:

  • Designing and conducting the trial
  • Preparing documents and authorization requests
  • Carrying out the trial itself and subsequent follow-up
  • Analysing the results
  • Contacting other centers and the pharmaceutical industry

Research projects

Not sure where to start with your research?

At MiKS, we offer personalised scientific consulting.

Knowing the right way to tackle your research project will save you time and much inconvenience.

At MiKS, we will guide and accompany you throughout the process, from the initial conception of the project to its execution and the obtention of results, including finding potential project collaborators or committees. Carry out your projects with the help of experts.


Scientific journals

We will help you to write a scientific article with the highest potential for publication.

The process of publishing research results can often be tricky. A series of aspects must be checked thoroughly in order to avoid having your submission rejected at some point along the process.

At MiKS, we cover all aspects of writing, editing, format, style and translation. This service is ideal for anyone interested in publishing the findings of their research in influential scientific journals.


Statistical Treatment of Research Data

At MiKS we perform the statistical analysis of data for the research project you are carrying out, be it academic or scientific.

We determine the methodology and type of analysis to be applied to the results in order to draw conclusions. We work with both descriptive and inferential statistics.

We draw up statistical graphs to present the data in a visual, descriptive and meaningful way.

R&D funding

Support in obtaining public aid or funding for R&D

We will help you apply for regional, national and international grants to carry out your R&D projects. You can rely on MiKS for:

  • Help identifying the most suitable avenues of support for your project
  • Documentation and handling of requests for funding
  • Creation and organization of teams and committees
  • Technological diagnosis to identify opportunities

If you would like more information, just get in touch

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