Mikel Sánchez



Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery

Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Basque Country (RAMPV)

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MIKS arises in response to the need to unify criteria and promote the exchange of knowledge in the field of regenerative medicine.

This personal project of Dr. Mikel Sánchez has been developed with the aim of fulfilling the fundamental pillars that inspire his model of medicine: generating knowledge and sharing it.

At MIKS, we are committed to fostering scientific advancement and progress in regenerative medicine, promoting research and creating a collaborative space where professionals can learn, grow and contribute to the well-being of patients.

What is MIKS??

Dr. Mikel Sánchez studied medicine at the University of Bordeaux (France) and obtained his degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of the Basque Country in 1979. He specialized in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery at Santiago Hospital in Vitoria-Gasteiz, during which period he collaborated with the hospital’s facial traumatology department, while completing his doctorate studies and remaining active in rheumatology, neurosurgery and general surgery as complementary training in addition to his specialty

"Every day is a new challenge
that encourages me to continue
learning; to get better”

He was an attending physician at the hospital’s Traumatology Department until 1993. From that year onwards, he dedicated his activity exclusively to the private hospital sector and, two years later, he set up the Arthroscopic Surgery Unit (UCA). In 2000, he began his professional activity at the Esperanza-Quirón Clinic of the USP Hospital group in Vitoria-Gasteiz as medical director and head of the traumatology, orthopedics and arthroscopic surgery, creating the UCA that same year on site at the clinic.

Pioneer in the advancement of Arthroscopic Surgery in Europe and Spain, he is part of the Leeds-Keio working group, the Rheumatism Research Unit at the University of Leeds, UK, and the Department of Orthopedic Surgery at Keio University, Japan. The Leeds-Keio group was a collaboration whose aim was to further the development of arthroscopic surgery in Europe and Japan, especially knee and shoulder ligament replacement surgery.
In addition, he has worked with leading figures in arthroscopy, such as Hideo Matsumoto and Bahaa Botros Seedhom, developing surgical instrumentation prototypes for anterior (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction, as well as techniques and instrumentation for treating recurrent shoulder dislocation. These technologies and the functional and biological concepts that underpin them remain valid today. Furthermore, he was the first physician in the world to understand the therapeutic potential of PRP and apply it to orthopedics, and is the founder of the ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY UNIT (UCA), and the ADVANCED BIOLOGICAL THERAPY UNIT (UTBA).

As a result of all this care and research work, Dr. Mikel Sánchez has published more than 170 scientific articles in high impact factor journals, which have generated around 10,000 citations in numerous scientific papers, reaching an h-index of 44. He has also been included in recent years by Standford University in the “World's Top 2% Scientists ranking”, so he is considered one of the most influential orthopedic surgeons in the world. In addition, he is a regular speaker at countless national and international congresses and conferences, and has led numerous research projects and participated in the development of a dozen international patents. Always with the aim of sharing research, experiences and best practices in order to improve the quality of life of patients and develop more effective therapeutic solutions.

Among the awards received throughout his career, the following stand out:

- 2002 Diputación Foral de Álava for his contribution to scientific promotion.
- 2002 First prize U.S.P. Sports Medicine.
- 2003 Prize for the best article published in the journal Cuadernos de Artroscopia, for his innovation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery.
- 2003 Euskadi Sports Award for his “Scientific and Technical Contribution to the Development of Sport.
- 2003 Third National Award for Research in Sports Medicine, University of Oviedo.
- 2007 Gold Medal of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz for his work as “Ambassador of Vitoria in the International Medical Field”.
- 2011 Mapfre Medicine Foundation, “Development of Applied Traumatology” Award, for his “Innovation in the Treatment of Tendon Injuries”.
- 2012 Award for the best research paper published in the Arthroscopy Journal in 2012 for the work: A randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating Plasma Richin Growth Factors (PRGF-Endoret) Versus Hyaluronic Acid in the Short-Term Treatment of Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis.
- 2014 Spanish Sports Press Association Award.

- 2015 National Award for Arts and Sciences Applied to Sport 2014.
- 2019 Extraordinary Doctoral Award in the 2018/19 academic year, for his doctoral thesis entitled: Plasma rich in growth factors to treat Knee Osteoarthritis, defended on June 1, 2017 in the PhD Program Biomedical Research.
- 2023 Sabino Arana Foundation Award.
- 2023 Second National Award for Research in Sports Medicine, University of Oviedo.
- 2023 Gold Medal ICOMA (Official College of Physicians of Alava).
- 2024 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD, 15th Annual TOBI Orthobiologic Symposium in USA.