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Highly Specialized
Advanced Training

The training stay consists in four days during which you will be completely immersed in the day-to-day tasks of Mikel Sánchez’s team. The stay will begin with an introduction to the theoretical foundations of PRP, learning about processes for its obtention, as well as infiltration techniques. Immediately afterwards, the trainee will begin taking part in the daily activity of the clinic, observing all the injections that are performed, covering the following minimums:

  1. Nerve injections
  2. Intraosseous injections 
  3. Intra-articular knee and hip injections 
  4. Injections in tendon, meniscus or ligament
  5. Injections during surgery

You will also be present during patient consultations and in relevant clinical sessions. Additionally, procedure manuals and specific protocols will be provided.

In order for the training to be effective, we invite no more than one professional per stay, though we may be able to accommodate two in the exceptional case that they come from the same center.


The training program during the stay is as follows (and is modifiable to the needs of the visiting professional if required):

All professionals trained with us will receive our unique MIKS method certificate, proving that they have been trained in the best practices by international pioneers in regenerative medicine.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is included in the training stay?

The training stay consists in four days during which you will be completely immersed in the day-to-day tasks of Mikel Sánchez’s team. The stay will begin with an introduction to the theoretical foundations of PRP, learning about processes for its obtention, as well as infiltration techniques. Immediately afterwards, the trainee will begin taking part in the daily activity of the clinic, observing all the injections that are performed, covering the following minimums:

  1. The theoretical basics in biological therapies
  2. Regulation information
  3. Research methodology
  4. Nerve injections
  5. Intraosseous injections
  6. Intra-articular knee and hip injections
  7. Injections in tendon, meniscus or ligament
  8. Injections during surgery

Furthermore, you will sit in on the corresponding clinic sessions.

The company’s own procedure and protocol manuals will be provided. The training stay includes 6 months of remote follow-up and guidance in the application of the treatemtents so as to be able to practice with confidence.

Any professional who has carried out a stay with us will become a member of the MIKS community for six months for free. Joining MIKS will grant you access to our online learning modules taught by key members of the medical community involved in biological therapies. In addition, you will have access to the forum where you can liase and discuss clinical matters with other members and keep up with science, technology and regulation news at a click.

Upon completing your stay, you will obtain our exclusive certificate. Furthermore, following one year of practice, you will receive a special logo identifying you as a physician authorized by MIKS, which you can display on the website of the medical center at which you work, as well as on your résumé.

Completion of this training stay will earn you the right to propose 3 clinical cases to be supervised by Mikel Sánchez’s team (carried out remotely).

Furthermore, you will have access to documents that will prove useful in your practice, such as office forms, consent forms, financial templates, and guidelines for before and after the regenerative procedure, including rehabilitation following the procedure, and so on.

How much does it cost

This four-day training stay costs €3,500, accommodation included (as well as lunch and coffe beaks at the clinic with the rest of the team).

Payment can be made by credit card, transfer or SPL.

Is accommodation included?

No, the price doesn't includes accommodation, but we will be happy to help you.

How do I book?

Contact MIKS by email or phone, and we will provide you with the available dates and make the corresponding arrangements.

Due to limited places, please register early.

What qualifications are necessary?

The application of PRP treatments must always be performed by a physician, dentist or podiatrist. The professional who wishes to carry out the training stay with us must hold one of these qualifications and be duly registered.

Is prior knowledge necessary?

No prior knowledge will be necessary, beyond those of the medical specialty itself.

Where and when?

The entire stay will take place in the same building, at Dr. Mikel Sánchez’s Arthroscopic Surgery Unit, located within San José Hospital, in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain).

The training stay offers full participation in the day-to-day tasks of the clinic. Therefore, the timetable corresponds to the medical team’s working hours.

How many physicians will attend the training stay at the same time?

In order to optimize your participation in the daily work of Dr. Mikel Sánchez’s team at the clinic—accompanying them in consultations, the operating room and laboratory—the training stay will be completed by just one physician at a time.

We may be able to accommodate two physicians in the exceptional case that they come from the same center.

Due to limited places, please register early.

What makes us different?

This hands-on training stay will give you one-off access to the regenerative medicine clinic run by Dr. Mikel Sanchez, renowned pioneering physician and forefather of Plasma Rich in Platelets and Growth Factors, with more than 20 years of experience in regenerative therapies. During this stay, not only will you be trained to apply PRP treatments effectively and safely, but you will also learn the real ins and outs of working at a prestigious clinic, gaining access to the clinic’s know-how and experience—the result of years of research and practice in regenerative medicine.

What language will be used?

Dr. Mikel Sanchez is fluent in English, French and Spanish, but the clinic works mainly in Spanish. However, his entire team are proficient in English and Spanish, and some members speak French, too.

Will I receive a certificate?

Upon completing your stay, you will obtain our exclusive certificate, as well as authorization to display the official logo on the website of the medical center at which you provide treatment, as well as on your résumé.