
PRP today: between controversy and innovation.

There are several controversies about the use and indications of Platelet-Rich Plasma, the factors that modify its efficacy as well as its safety.

There are several controversies about the use and indications of Platelet-Rich Plasma, the factors that modify its efficacy as well as its safety.

This may be due to the disparate results in research, attributed to the heterogeneity of studies and the lack of standardized protocols. In addition, the diversity of PRP preparation and application techniques adds to the complexity of the subject. Despite the short-term benefits observed in some studies, the long-term effects of PRP are still unclear. What is clear is the need to reach a consensus to unify criteria and to continue advancing in research to determine the most effective techniques with the best guarantees for the patient.


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Reloj 45 minutos

Dr. Mikel Sánchez


16:00 - 16:45 (GMT +2h00)

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